My best advice is to give up. Give up your pride, give up your old habits, give up everything. You're already giving up your normal life for one and a half to two years, you might as well do it with your whole heart and soul. There will be time after your mission to make friends, time to goof off, time to go to the beach, time to find your spouse, time to relax, time to research Kolob, time to just hang out, time to watch "The Chosen," time to do every good thing you want to do, but right now is the only time you'll ever have as a full-time missionary, and you don't get it back when it's gone. So spend every moment of every day trying to dedicate yourself to God and His children here in Los Angeles. LOVE your area, LOVE your ward/branch, LOVE your companion, LOVE your mission. Choose to love all of it because you love God.