In the beginning of my mission, I was what you might call a bucket (slang for bad missionary, ask your trainer). My trainer and I didn’t work hardly at all for my first two transfers. It was not my trainer’s fault, he was reassigned and not happy about it, same as me... but I let us do nothing as my trainer wanted. I spent my days in a small apartment, watching Facebook, studying every once in a while, sleeping, rarely seeing my trainer and doing nothing worth-while... I was not happy, miserable in fact. Sure, I had fun, but I was being selfish and lazy, not selfless, and hardworking. I was letting myself be miserable because of it. It wasn’t until my third transfer that I decided I needed to fix this... with my new companion in his second transfer, we worked hard. That was when my faith, charity, knowledge, and overall joy grew immensely. Though I had a late start, that momentarily stunted my growth, I have come to realize that when I am devoted to my Savior and working for Him, that is when I am happy. That is when I feel good about myself. In contrast, when I don’t work or give it my all, or am worried about myself, I am miserable. So my many pieces of advice that I wished I knew beforehand are:
1- Work hard, even if your companion doesn’t want to. You will not be happy if you don’t work hard. “Wear out the knees of your pants before the soles of your shoes.” -Papa Shep (my dad)
2- Study hard. Your personal conversion is the most important thing on this mission and in this life.
3- Study the Atonement of Christ often, and never forget what it means to/for YOU. If you don’t know what it means to you, learn...simple as that. After that, show your friends what Christ’s Atonement means to/for them.
4- Study all of the PMG, especially chapter 5. The Book of Mormon, behind the spirit, is the most important tool in conversion.
5- Delete Facebook unless you’re using it correctly and “finding through it”. Leave your old life behind, it will be there when you get back. Matthew 4
6- Give it all you’ve got. If you don’t, you’ll regret it... I promise. I regret that missionary that I was, you will too if you don’t give it your all... don’t have regrets, they hurt. “Keep punching with both fists... hold nothing back” -the last words I ever heard from my alzheimers ridden Grandpa as I left for my mission....he passed as I was out here. If that’s the last thing he said to me, don’t you think it’s pretty important?
7- That being said, you’re not expected to be perfect, so don’t think you can be in this life.
8- Remember that your family is eternal... 2 years away is nothing compared to eternity together.
9- If you’re reassigned, you are still meant to be here. I never made it to Samoa but I made it to where I was supposed to be.
1O- Trust in God’s timing. Miracles, including baptisms, come in His time not yours.
11- If you follow Christ and serve others, this will be the best two years or 18 months for/of your life, if you don’t... it could be the worst. It’s up to you.