
Merry Christmas

The missionaries from the California Los Angeles Mission put on a Christmas Program for the community in Spanish and later in English. It was a beautiful program that brought the Spirit of Christmas into our lives. Below are pictures of the participants. To see the actual videos, visit our Facebook Group: California Los Angeles Mission- President and Sister Egbert 2021-2024.

Below are miscellaneous pictures from the evening. Click on the arrows to scroll through the pictures.

December Zone Conferences

Los Angeles English Zone
Chinese Zone
Downey Zone
Inglewood Zone
Chatsworth Zone
Los Angeles Spanish Zone
North Hollywood Zone
Palos Verde Zone
San Fernando Zone
Santa Monica Zone
Torrence Zone

December Departures

It is hard to say good-bye to such great missionaries, but we are so excited that they will be home in time to celebrate Christmas with their families.

Words of Wisdom from Departing Missionaries

If you are going to do anything on your mission, HAVE FUN! Missions are the best, but sometimes we forget that we are humans, and we get way to stressed out. Try to make your mission something you will look back on and know that you had a good time as you served the Lord and His children.
Sister Johansen
One thing that I just wish I had learned earlier on in the mission is that literally none of it is about me. If we can just get past ourselves, our own wants and our own insecurities, God will be able to use us as the means through which He blesses His children in extraordinary ways, and we will be blessed to see SO many miracles!!! And we will be a whole lot happier, too.
Sister Lucas
Cherish every moment of your mission and remember that it is the Lord's work. Strive every day to be worthy of the Spirit. You are called to be the Lord's representative, and it is just such a sacred time to serve the Lord. Give your best every single day, and the Lord will provide. Remember to always express gratitude for the miracles that you see as a missionary and remember this promise in D&C 6:32 & 36:32. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, as I said unto my disciples, where two or three are gathered together in my name, as touching one thing, behold, there will I be in the midst of them—even so am I in the midst of you. Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." You've been called of God to represent the Savior Jesus Christ. Show them how much you love them by giving it your all.
Sister Ikola
The mission is such a special experience! Use every moment of time you can to bless. The mission was the time in my life where I learned the most about Christ and became the most like him. The purpose of Jesus's life was people. He always took the time to be with the people who were broken, who were outcasts, who were unseen. See with His eyes. His love is without bounds. Pray for the gift of charity and work for it. I promise there is no better feeling. The Atonement of Jesus Christ was not an event, it was His lifetime of looking outwards and helping people change. He gave His everything for His entire time on this earth, so give your everything for Him these eighteen or twenty-four months you have. Greater joy awaits you than you have ever imagined! A lyric from one of my favorite songs says, "The one who took the cross for you, He believes in you." Your Savior and your Heavenly Father believe in YOU! Never underestimate what you can do through them. Miracles happen every day when you put your trust in Christ. Let this mission and your purpose become who you are, find yourself in this work. I love my mission because I feel like here is where I found out the most about Savannah while being Sister Miner. Embrace it and love it. It's the most special and precious time.
Sister Miner
Be yourself!! Do NOT be a missionary robot. Talk to people, empathize with them, serve them, and listen to them! Look for the small miracles each day and choose to be happy. Much of your happiness will be your decision on your mission. Make the decision at the beginning of each transfer to love your companion. No matter what they do or what you may disagree on, just choose to love them. Pay attention to the members. They need your help, and it is part of your responsibility to strengthen and bless them. I have served members and in turn had some of the best experiences of my life because of it.
Sister Serote
This gospel is a gospel of happiness, and this is the most joyful work. I wish I would have known this at the beginning of my mission. My best piece of advice is to not worry about everything under the sun but take the time to enjoy the now of missionary work. Obviously be obedient, work super hard, and be worthy of the Spirit, but there is nothing wrong with being positive, smiley, and happy while doing such. Before people are attracted to the message they are intrigued with our attitude and our positivity. Let's be messengers who radiate their message! Laugh! Smile! Enjoy every second of your mission! And live after the manner of happiness!
Sister Anderson
“Love God with all your might, mind, and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ," said Moroni. If you love the Lord with everything you've got, then you'll be able to love others, be obedient, study effectively, teach with power, and work miracles. But first and foremost, you must love the Lord.
Elder Gonzalez
When I first started my mission, the missionaries around me cared a lot about the numbers, and I struggled to see why because I cared more about the individual. As time went on, I began to realize the importance of keeping both in mind, as well as not labeling ourselves as one or the other. I also learned throughout the mission that our success is based on the level of commitment. "Your success as a missionary is measured primarily by your commitment to find, teach, baptize, and confirm people and to help them become faithful members of the Church who enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost." Not by anything else. Just remember that your success is an individual thing, based on what you can do, and not dependent on the agency of others. Lastly, "The attitude you have toward your mission experience is a reflection of your love toward your Heavenly Father and His Son and your respect for the priesthood." If you allow it to change you, your mission really will be the best time of your life. Strive each and every day to have a positive attitude towards it, and that will make your life and your companion's life so much easier 🙂 welcome to LA! 加油!
Sister Thomas
I wish I knew how unique and sacred the call to be a full-time missionary is. When you realize how precious the time you have as a missionary is and the importance of the message you carry, every fear diminishes. Approaching people and inviting them to change their lives to follow Christ becomes second nature. Working tirelessly and effortlessly day in and day out becomes a joy. Love for the people increases and develops at an incredibly fast pace. The Lord's will becomes yours, and His power and authority flows into everything you do! You are entitled to that power and authority, so live like it!
Sister Richardson
There is only one way to find joy on the mission. You have to put it all on the altar and let yourself go. When you lose yourself, you will find yourself. The best way to do this is to study the life of Jesus Christ and to understand what He does for you. When you see Him as a friend, you see everyone else like He does. I love you! You can do this.
Sister Hemmingsen
There are many things that I wish I had known at the beginning of the mission, but I wish that I would have been a little bit more humble at the beginning. I thought I could do the Lord's work my own way, and that's just not possible. I love D&C 109:44 that says "Help thy servants to say, with thy grace assisting them: Thy will be done O Lord, and not ours." As we let go of our own will and are obedient, that's when miracles can happen. Let the mission change you. Mission life is very different, but if it weren't different you wouldn't be different at the end of it.
Sister Shumway
A couple things I wish I knew as a new missionary are: 1. The importance of patience. Growing your testimony, growing missionary skills, growing an understanding of the gospel, and becoming a changed person all take time. Be patient with yourself and have faith that the Lord will consecrate your efforts. As you work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on Him, I testify the changes will take place. And make sure to not take yourself too seriously in the process! Have fun and work hard! 2. Focus on others while you serve. You will find great joy and satisfaction as you allow your mission to help you care more about others than yourself. If you aren't feeling happy or are having a bad day, serve someone else and the problems will go away! 3. Allow your trials, questions, and challenges to bring you closer to the Savior. If you turn towards and not away from the Savior, He will give you the added strength and testimony you need to face all challenges and questions with added faith! And most important of all; never forget that God, our Heavenly Father, loves you perfectly and knows you personally. Jesus Christ has already paid the price for us and our friends, and the gospel is true and has been restored!
Elder Cox
I have many things on my mind that I'd like to share with all of you, but unfortunately, I can't share it all. All I'd like to say is lose yourself in this great work and remember who you represent. On your mission tag, you have three names; the name of the church, the name of your family, and most importantly the name of Jesus Christ. You are a representative of Him, as well as the ones who came before you. You are loved and have family cheering you on on both sides of the veil. I know I've been able to feel a different type of a full, pure kind of love that has carried me throughout my mission. I know God loves us so much that He doesn't want us to stay the same. Let God prevail in your mission and let Him change you into the disciple you have the potential to be. You have a divine calling, so choose to magnify it every day and in every way possible. And please don't be too hard on yourself either. Don't compare yourself to others because God doesn't do that. This mission is not to only help other people come unto Christ but to help you especially. He loves you and is proud of your service. I love you all and I'll keep you in my prayers. Hurrah for Israel and give everyone in LA Heaven!
Elder Hosea
I think I've learned that two of the most important attributes of a good missionary are patience and humility. It is hard because a lot of the time pride is manifested by insecurity or being too hard on yourself. Never expect to be the best missionary or the best at the language. Because it's not about you, it's about the Lord and what he can do through you. We see miracles through humility, patience, and obedience. Don't fight change.
Sister Andelin

December Transfers

December Arrivals

We had two arrival groups of three missionaries each. The first group came in from the Provo MTC which included Elder Silva, Elder Tate, and Elder Asuao.

The second group came in from the Mexico City MTC which included Sister Edwards, Sister Hughes, and Elder Baez. What a wonderful Christmas gift for the mission to have six new missionaries.

After arriving at the mission home they were treated to an amazing ham dinner. After dinner the missionaries were taken on a tour of the Visitors’ Center and pictures were taken in front of the Christus.

After breakfast at the mission home the next morning, President and Sister Egbert had an orientation meeting for the new missionaries and their trainers.

After the orientation meeting, our new missionaries met their trainers.

November Departures

We said goodbye to some great missionaries on November 8, 2022. We are sad to see them go, but excited for them to start a new adventure in their lives.

Words of Wisdom from Departing Missionaries

I wish I would have known not to wait until "you know what you're doing." No one knows what they're doing. We're all just taking it a day at a time, trying to plan a day that will help others come unto Christ and follow the Spirit. When I started my mission, it felt a bit as if I was in a whirlwind, while other missionaries seemed to be experts. Then I got to know those older missionaries better and then became one myself. I realized that we all share many of the same weaknesses, but it doesn't damper the good that we can do for the people and each other! In fact, it helps us to be humble, kind, and meek, which allows Christ to bring out the best in us. Rely on the Spirit, but don't always count on recognizing Him as He guides you! Rarely have I been certain that a thought or feeling was from the Spirit before I had acted upon it and seen the fruits. So, don't wait until you feel confident to act. The feeling of confidence and approval from the Lord comes while acting.
Sister Beck
One thing I wish I knew as I started my mission is the power of giving your all to the Savior. We serve the Lord on our missions. It is His work and it must be done His way. We must be ready to offer what we have to Him and He will multiply our talents so that we can become effective instruments in his hands. You will find those people who are ready to receive the gospel and enter the waters of baptism. Leave the distractions behind and give the Lord your all. You do this by studying The Book of Mormon, studying Preach my Gospel, being obedient, and being diligent all day everyday. In Preach My Gospel we learn that as we teach The Restoration and testify of it, the Spirit will bear witness to those that we are teaching that this message is true. Master this lesson so that you are ready to teach it everytime an opportunity arises. Give God nothing but your best. Do the best YOU can do. Live faithfully. Make your mission count. May God be with you.
Elder Clark
God loves, knows, and wants "YOU," who you are, your talents, and your smile. I have witnessed that God is capable of doing this work with or without me, but He has allowed me to be a part of it. He didn't just need a "missionary," but He wanted "me". I was obsessed with trying to be this perfect missionary and say/do all the right things, but I wasn't working on myself and who I can become. I was trying to play the part, but it took most of my mission until I accepted that "I" am here, the same person, not some robot production to do the work, but me. And I can change for the better. As I have (finally) allowed myself into the Master's hands (yes, allowing myself to become vulnerable) He has offered a refining process that has changed me forever and converted me to this gospel. Thus, pride, fear, perfection, and more burn out as you give your best. No matter what happens, keep going, don't turn back, live now, and look forward to what God has in store for you. Become friends with Christ and trust in His ways and it will direct yours. I wasn't just going on a mission to "be a missionary" but to also become a deeply committed diciple of Jesus Christ.
Elder Gonzales
If I could give myself advice when I started my mission I would say, "Be yourself and be genuine." I have learned that when we are out on a mission, the people we teach are there for us to teach. They need you for you, and God called us for us. Now we also have to be genuine and real. People can see when we are fake and put on an act. It will make people distrust us. So be yourself, the true you, and fix all the imperfections.
Elder Gordon
Don't fear making mistakes or repenting... don't fear in general! Being fearful sucks! Be motivated by your love of Jesus Christ instead. He will help you.
Sister McLauchlin
Your success as a missionary is not measured by key indicators. Your success is measured by working the hardest you can to invite others to come unto Christ. People have their agency, so only focus on the things you can control. Every night aske your Heavenly Father if you were successful. If He's proud of you, and if you can feel good after tht, then that is what matters.
Elder Peterson
When I first came out on the mission, I was terrified! There was so much I didn't know how to do, and it all felt very overwhelming. But, what I didn't know is that if we have faith in Jesus Christ, are humble and keep trying and changing, and are motivated by love, your talents will be magnified. You will be filled with the Spirit and with so much charity for people you hardly even know. Just try to obey the will of the Lord in all things, and then "perfect love [will cast] out all fear." There is no need to be afraid when we have the most powerful being in the universe on our side, and we want to serve Him. He has chosen the small and simple (us) because He knows that we can be worthy instruments in His hands. He loves you so much and trusts you implicitly to do His work.
Sister Smith
As a new missionary I wish I knew to go with the flow and leave any pride or principles behind from my past. I was willing to do whatever was asked of me, but I took things on myself when I didn't have to. I got irritated by the differences of others and felt that it didn't have much to do with me. As I came to teach, study, and testify, working with the Savior, I began to see changes in myself and the relationships I built were much more meaningful. Be willing and then ask the Savior to mold you into who He knows you are and can be. Pray, study the Book of Mormon, study Preach My Gospel. It contains all you need to know. Talk to people you will begin to love it!
Elder Williams
Your mission experience can be as successful and joyful as you choose for it to be. Your success as a missionary doesn’t come from being the highest performing missionary or having the most baptisms, but from your dedication to serve the Lord. The most successful moments of my mission have been when I gave my all to the Lord, to obey Him, follow His Spirit, and put my focus on trying to do my personal best for Him. Avoid comparison, contention, and self-criticism and focus on doing your best with a good attitude and the Lord will bless you to find joy in your own life and see success in the progression of others.
Elder Darracq
There is so much you learn on your mission. But it is all for nothing, if it doesn’t bring you closer to Christ. He is the reason for everything we do, and if what we are doing can’t be tied back to Him we need to change directions a bit. Now, needing to change is not a bad thing. It is, after all, what Jesus Christ invites us to do. But we must be willing to change into who He wants us to be, not who we want to be. Please trust Him. He is the master sculptor, and He knows what we need to become. Do everything you can to align your will with His and choose to make the changes He invites. He lives, and He is the one who brings joy, peace, and growth into our lives. Be humble, work hard, and strive to become as He is.
Elder Wood
One of the biggest things I’ve learned on my mission (and that I wish I had known when I started), is that it’s okay to have weaknesses! Sometimes as missionaries we think that in order to be successful we have to be perfect. But all the Lord requires of us is to try our best and be willing, willing to obey the standards, willing to open our mouths, willing to testify, willing to leave our comfort zone, willing to represent Him to the best of our abilities. When we humbly and willingly do all we can, the Lord will turn our weaknesses into strengths. He will magnify our efforts into marvelous works to bless His children. And He abundantly blesses us as well! Just do your very best, work harder than you ever have before, be obedient, and I promise you will see the Lord work mighty miracles in your life and in the lives of those you serve.
Sister Hyer
Repent now. If you have come out with lingering regrets or things you haven’t taken care of, just take care of it now. You won’t be sent home, you won’t be disgraced, and you will feel so much better. Your mission will be a much greater experience when you actually are able to feel the Spirit. Yes, it hurts and is painful at first, but you will realize that pain is nothing in the face of the true joy that comes from experiencing the Atonement of Jesus Christ in your life!!! Nothing good comes from bottling up your sins. If you don’t need to repent, then help those you’re teaching to repent. Help them experience the life change you have!
Elder Johnson

November Transfer Day

November Arrivals

Our large arrival group of thirteen missionaries came into Los Angeles around 12:30 in the afternoon on November 7, 2022. Two more groups of missionaries came in the evening.

The missionaries arrived at the mission home and were served a Thanksgiving Dinner by President and Sister Egbert. We are so thankful for our new missionaries who are ready to serve the Lord. After dinner they received a tour of the Los Angeles Temple Visitors’ Center, took pictures in front of the Christus to send home to their parents, and had an interview with the Mission Nurses.

The next morning they had breakfast at the mission home and then a training at the chapel on Ohio Street. Their trainers also had a training meeting at the chapel. After the training, the new missionaries met their trainers/new companions.

California Los Angeles Mission Temple Day

October Zone Conferences

Chatsworth Zone
Chinese Zone
Downey Zone
Inglewood Zone
Los Angeles English Zone
Los Angeles Spanish Zone
North Hollywood Zone
Palos Verde Zone
San Fernando Zone
Santa Monica Zone
Torrance North Zone

September Departures

Several missionaries had departure dates from the beginning to middle of September. Elder Holbrook and Sister Morris left September 2, 2022. Elder Wang, one of our Chinese elders, could not get home to China due to the COVID pandemic. He served in the California Los Angeles Mission for three years, four months, and five days. Seventeen different flights had been arranged for him during that time, but they were all canceled. The Egberts hosted a Chinese luncheon for the entire Chinese Zone and the senior missionaries to celebrate Elder Wang’s homecoming event on September 11, 2022. Sister Christensen departed September 13th and Elder Frasure left on September 23rd. 

Chinese Zone

Tuesday, September 27, 2022 we said good bye to Sister Beauchamp, Elder Call, Sister Chavez, Elder Duncan, Sister Fernandez Lopes, and Elder Muir. President and Sister Egbert provided an Olive Garden dinner with Chicken Parmigiana, Fettuccine Alfredo, salad, breadsticks, cheesecake, and Texas sheet cake with her homemade vanilla ice cream. After dinner they went to the temple to do baptisms and then caught flights home the next morning.

Words of Wisdom from Departing Missionaries

Something I wish I would’ve understood at the beginning of my mission is that it does not matter how much confidence I have in myself, it only matters how much confidence I have in Christ. The Atonement is so much more than just second chances, it’s grace! It’s through Christ that we are enabled to do those things that we find hard or scary. Give your whole self to Christ, that’s where true strength, growth, and joy comes from.
Sister Morris
A mission is very hard. Sometimes it is fun, and you have to remember the fun times. When the hard times come, it is a good idea to take a break by talking to your companions, your mission leaders, and your president. They will love to talk with you. No matter what you do, remember who you serve, because you serve the Lord, Jesus Christ, and you will be blessed. Then endure to the end.
Elder Wang
I would like to share the importance of being humble and accepting not only the flaws of others but your own flaws. The Lord does the work in his own way. You are lucky to be a part of it. Something that one of my companions told me was that the God that gave you your strengths is the same God that gave you your weaknesses. I think pondering on that will help you realize He really is able to turn your weaknesses into strengths and help you to realize where you are and that you are able to do this work. The second thing I would like to share is the importance of falling in love with the work and falling in love with the people—those you teach, your friends, the members, your companions, your leaders, and everyone you come into contact with on a daily basis. Each moment matters. Help them realize they are sons and daughters of God and that He loves them. That is something that everyone needs to know. I have seen how that knowledge has blessed my life and has changed my mission. I know if we are humble and show love to others, that is when it matters and that is when our mission changes.
Sister Christensen
These are things I wish I would have known from the beginning of my mission. The first thing I want to talk about is personal study. That is something really important to do. It says in Preach My Gospel, “First seek to understand my word before you declare it.” As you focus on personal study and the following three things, you will be able to declare His word. First is the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon combined with the Spirit is the most powerful tool of conversion, and you will also be able to convert yourself to Jesus Christ as you study the Book of Mormon. The second thing is to really focus on becoming a Preach My Gospel missionary, studying Preach My Gospel. Highlighting the important things is something I wish I had done at the very beginning. Really understanding Preach My Gospel, because it comes from Jesus Christ to the Apostles, inspiring them on exactly how we're supposed to do missionary work. The final thing is to master The Restoration. That is the lesson we should be teaching seven times a day, especially while street contacting. That's our unique message. So as you focus on those three things and personal study, the Lord can prepare you for the people who are ready to receive His gospel. That's something that I finally, toward the end of my mission, really got to understand. As I started to apply these things, I was able to see more and more miracles. Now, last is to forget yourself and go to work. You know this is the Lord's work. I know that as you are constantly trying to stay humble, constantly striving to be better, to develop those Christlike attributes, the Lord is going to bless you, and He is going to help you find those people you need to teach and baptize or to plant those seeds with.
Elder Frasure
The mission will teach you more than you ever thought possible. But I would say that the biggest miracle/change/advice that I've witnessed and can give, came through humility and a lot of prayer. Missions are not designed to be easy. Some days it feels like everyone and everything is working against you but from my personal, humble experience the Lord, Jesus Christ will always be there to help you keep going. Some days He would pull me out of bed. Other days He would get me out the door. He was always the one to press the "call" button and always the one who gave me the shoulder nudge to talk to someone on the street. I promise you, that the Lord walks with His missionaries. This is His work, and He allows us - imperfect us - to help Him do it. My advice is to let Him change you. When you let Him guide every step you take, you will never take a wrong one. Focus on the people you serve, and show them Christ-like love! The worst part about loving someone and wanting them to progress is that they still have agency. Your heart will get broken as a missionary, but love them anyway! You already know God is there to heal you. Show your friends that He can heal them too.
Sister Beauchamp
If there was one thing I knew at the start of my mission, I would say don’t let the goals you set slip away. Goals are a way we can focus our energy and effort but we have to constantly remind ourselves of them. If we set a goal, we've got to work for it. If a goal doesn’t scare you, then make it harder. We are here for such a short time, I would say to make this short time count.
Elder Call
One thing I wish I would’ve known at the beginning of my mission is that you don’t have to know everything all at once. It is okay to feel like you are starting from square one! Comparing yourself to others is definitely the thief of joy. It takes time to not let comparisons get the best of you, especially when you are new. What really helped me not let it win started when I deeply studied grace! It was such a game changer! It helped me to start seeing the big picture that I can do anything with the help of the Lord as I put my full trust in Him and focus on doing His will and not mine!
Sister Chavez
Some of the most important advice I received before my mission was to be myself. I didn’t really understand that. I always asked, “But isn’t the last person I want to be myself?” It took me a really long time to figure it out, but I learned something life changing. The Lord can’t use you if you’re too busy trying to be someone else. He can take all of your imperfections and turn you into the perfect person to help someone else.
Sister Fernandez Lopes
1) Refer quickly to the Restoration when you teach and contact others 2) Share that the Book of Mormon is evidence of the Restoration (keystone of our religion) 3) Share your purpose daily with new/familiar people you meet 4) Strive for Christ-like obedience 5) Bear testimony in every contact and lesson 6) Choose to be happy 7) Set stretching goals with the Lord and do everything you can to reach them 8) Work as if everything depended on you and pray because everything depends on God 9)Forget yourself and focus on the applicable doctrine
10) Always work on a Christ-like attribute 11) Before teaching or contacting think, “How much you love that person/family” 12) Let the mission change you, let Christ change you.
Elder Muir
Gain a testimony of the doctrine you teach. You will not work as hard or testify with as much power as you need to without a testimony of the doctrine that you teach. Learn it, live it, and love it. Go give them heaven, Elders and Sisters.
Elder Duncan

September Transfer Day

September 27, 2022 was Transfer Day. With thirty new missionaries a lot of changes occurred. Only thirteen companionships were not affected in some way. There is a lot of excitement and energy with thirty new missionaries, six missionaries leaving for home, and missionaries changing companionships, areas, and apartments.

September Arrivals

On September 26, 2022 we had four groups of missionaries arrive in the California Los Angeles Mission.

Elder Sandberg, Elder Bartlett, Elder Carty, Elder Hodgson, and Elder PoVey arrived from Mexico City at 3:04 PM
Elder Roberts, Elder Russell, Elder Ungos, Elder on his way to Austrailia, Elder Robles, Elder Young, Elder Newton, Elder Pace, Eld Traverso, Elder Glasgow, Elder Narsimulu, Elder Millward, Sister Christensen, Sister Rivera, Sister Chacin Prada, Sister Castaneda, Sister Tady, Sister Williams, and Sister Crowther made up a group of missionaries that came to us from the Provo MTC. They landed in Los Angeles at 4:07 PM.
A second group came in from Mexico City at 5:03 PM including Elder Jones, Eldr McKinnon, Elder Oxiaj, Elder Morales, and Elder Hwang

Our last two missionaries arrived at 6:34. Sister Sharp and Sister Leon came in from Nauvoo, Illinois. They served for five months giving tours in Nauvoo and are now assigned to the California Los Angeles Mission. What a blessing to receive thirty new missionaries!

There was a wonderful dinner at the mission home, followed by a tour of the Temple Visitors’ Center, Pictures with the President and Sister Egbert, and a consultation with the mission nurses.

The next morning they were off to a training at the church building.

Their trainers also received training from the Assistants to the President.

After the training, our new missionaries met their first missionary companions!

August Zone Conferences

Chatsworth Zone
The first group of missionaries
Chinese Zone
Downey Zone
Inglewood Zone
Los Angeles English Zone
Los Angeles Spanish Zone
North Hollywood Zone
Palos Verdes Zone
San Fernando Zone
Santa Monica Zone
Torrence Zone

August Departures

Words of Wisdom from Departing Missionaries

Honestly, the most important principle I've learned while being here as a missionary that I wish I understood earlier is that perfection cannot be achieved in this life; and that doesn't change while on the mission. We like to create this image of what a good missionary is, but the reality is we are all different. We are asked to strive to be the best that we can be. We are not asked to be perfect, but rather to improve and strive to do better. Some days will be worse than others, and that's just part of life! What matters is that we learn and grow from who we are today, to become better disciples of Jesus Christ tomorrow. Blessings are NOT withheld from those who are imperfect. BUT, you and your area will be blessed as you try to improve in the principles of obedience where you fall short, and maintain your progress where you are doing well. The work will be much more enjoyable if you understand the principle of progress. I can promise you you'll see the Lord helping you improve, rather than feeling bad and beating yourself up for being human.
Sister Boyack
The most important lesson I wish to pass to new missionaries is that serving a mission because you desire to serve God is the highest and noblest reason for missionary service. "If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work." (D&C 6:3) Indeed, it is the opportunity to "lose [our] life for [His] sake" (Matt. 16:25) that makes a mission so special. Choosing to serve a mission because you want to serve God will take you far behone teaching the missionary lessons and offering service to other people. It denotes daily repentance, complete obedience and diligent scripture study. (D&C 59:5) When we learn to serve a mission because we love God, we begin to rely upon Him to see us through the trials and perils that we face on a day to day basis. The Lord will "strengthen [us] that [we can] bear up [our] burdens with ease, and [we will] submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord." (Mosiah 24:15) That also means that if you find yourself in a slow teaching area, through the Atonement of Christ, you will receive strength to wait with patience for the Lord to work miracles in your life and in the lives of others. I know that Jesus Christ lives and He is calling each of us by name to come forward and serve with all our "heart, might, mind, and strength" saying "Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." (3 Nephi 5:13)
Elder Brown
If I had to give and Words of Wisdom to any missionary it would be to give a little and take a little. You are going to come across companions, members, friends, and even other missionaries around you, like your district leader or missionaries in your district that are having a hard time or that aren't at the bar you want or need them to be at. The most important thing you can do is to give a little. Find out what they love and give it to them. Maybe they want to get up at 6:31. Give it to them. That gives you the opportunity to take on what's most important. Sometimes you want to just take, take, and take. Most often you have to give a lot and take where it really matters. Give a minute to take five more hours of missionary work. What is most important is that you never let a problem that needs to be solved be more important than a person to be loved.
Elder Crowe
There are many things I wish I had known before but I think my advice would be to always keep your spirits high! There are a lot of hard things that happen in the mission experience that require a lot of faith, hope, and patience, but always know that those times are "but a small moment." (D&C 121:7-8) One of the biggest joys I constantly had on my mission was studying the attributes of Christ. To me, if you want to know how to be a successful missionary, making plans and setting personal goals with God on how you're going to develop these attributes, and then actually doing them will help you to really change and find JOY in your missionary purpose. I'd also throw in there a good attitude. One of my favorite quotes from President M. Russell Ballard is this, "Remember, a good attitude produces good results, a fair attitude fair results, a poor attitude poor results. We each shape our own life, and the shape of it is determined largely by our attitude." Thank you for deciding to be in the best place you could possibly be and being an essential tool in this, the Lord's great work!
Elder Ferrin
Just follow the two great commandments, love the Lord thy God and love thy neighbor as thyself. Learn to love yourself both for who you are and who you can become through the help of the Savior. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much. He is listening and preparing the way for us. He doesn't want us to fail, but he's not angry if we do. He sent His Son for those that are and feel imperfect, which means he send His Son for literally all of us. God has now sent each of us to help those that don't have the knowledge of the gospel or a relationship with their Savior. Love the people you serve, your companions, the other missionaries, the ward members, the friends you teach, and all those that reject you. Just love them. Give the Lord all you can. Your efforts will look different each day and that's okay. Don't beat yourself up so much. Remember to have joy in the work. It truly is a choice we can make. When we love someone, their needs are greater than ours. If we love God, His will is more important than ours. When we love ourselves, our welfare and our conversion to Christ becomes vital. Don't waste the time you have here; laugh, smile, cry, scream, pray, all of it. Remember it's not the mission that changes you, it is the Savior Jesus Christ.
Sister Gertson
Forget yourself. Focus on your purpose and let go of everything else. When you are focused and have a vision, then the desire to work comes. You will grow and achieve the things the Lord has planned for you. If you want to be happy, go to work. God loves you and if you trust him and humble yourself before him, He will do great things with you. Trust in his timing because it is perfect.
Elder Hahn
Something I wish I knew was really knowing that this is the Lord's work. I used to, and sometimes still do now, stress about what goes on day to day; if I've done enough, or if my skills could have been a little better. But the Lord has called you at this time to your specific area for a reason and will help you from where you are now! Everything good that has happened to the mission for me has come from Him and His love, rather than simply through my own efforts. He loves you and will make you the missionary that He knows you can be!
Elder Kim
Be humble, be joyful, and be consecrated . . . it's a choice. What kind of mission do you want to have? From day one of your mission you can choose to have a joyful, successful mission, and it is through looking outward and being humble. There is nothing that will hinder the work of the Lord more than pride, disobedience, and negativity. Something that changed my mission forever was realizing who the Lord of the vineyard is and who I'm representing every day (see Jacob 5). Once you realize that, everything else has a clear purpose. It's not about how many friends you find, how impressive a training you give, etc. What it is about is who you can bless, whether that's your companion, your ward members, friends you are teaching, etc. The greatest advice I can give to a missionary to help them develop this is to have a daily gratitude journal to record the tender mercies of the Lord and to daily say a prayer of only gratitude. I promise you that you will have a more joyful mission if you do this. Missions are hard, but the Lord intended for that to happen. He cares more about our growth than our comfort, so be willing to change and seek correction through daily repentance. Don't beat yourself up but instead offer a sincere apology to the Lord and whoever you may have wronged, then do better tomorrow! Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Peterson
Find ways to serve, love, and bless all people that you come in contact with. That is something that I tried to focus on in my mission. In the end, feeling love for others will help your own growth as well.
Sister Randolph
The single biggest thing I wish I did sooner and better is being more selfless by prioritizing people over tasks. There may be moments when an invitation towards a certain friend is more a task rather than Spirit driven; or moments when it is tempting to neglect the needs of a companion for a missionary activity. When those situations arise, be prepared to know what is most important and how to properly respond. I think it is an accurate assumption that most returned missionaries will not wish they were more selfish during their service as a full time missionary. If we can learn to give everything selflessly, it will not be possible for discouragement, laziness, or contention to be a part of the work.
Elder Tan
There are so many things that I wish I had known at the start of my mission, but I'd say that the biggest one is the blessing of truly giving and consecrating everything to the Lord. This time really is not a long time, especially in the grand scheme of things, and so we have no time to waste! I have never been able to feel greater joy in my life than when I have been able to go to bed exhausted every night knowing that I gave my everything that day. There is great power in that peace of conscience. I promise that you'll never regret it. You'll never regret being obedient, you'll never regret studying hard, you'll never regret following a prompting of the Spirit, and you'll never regret trying to talk to that person on the street. You'll be able to look back on your mission with no regrets. Trust me that's what you are going to want by the end of your mission. You've only got twenty-four or eighteen months to do it, and the rest of your life to think about it. So please start now!
Elder Garlick
Don't let a day go by without letting your spirit be immersed in the Book of Mormon. That is so important.
Elder Christensen
My advice is to love the people and let the Spirit do the converting. Cheerfully participate in the journey of each person you meet, even if it's so early in the process it's not even seed planting yet - all the way through finding, teaching, baptism, retention, and sometimes reactivation. It's not so much about getting to baptism or any other step as it is about helping people take whatever their next step is. If they keep on moving forward towards Christ then there is nothing but time stopping them from being ready to meet God. Any step of progression is precious. The end and the beginning are truly tiny compared to the journey in between. So find people where they are and encourage them onward. Simply put, love everyone in every step of their journey, including yourself!
Sister Perry
It doesn't matter what your experience in life has been, some of your highest highs and lowest lows will come during your service as a missionary. Turn outwards and rely on the Savior the whole time, not on your own skill. Christ does not make up the difference in our shortcomings: He makes all the difference. We are participating in His work, so take this time to become who He wants you to be.
Elder Littlefield
One piece of advice I received early on in my mission that really blessed me was "to put your mission in God's hands." It took me a while to figure out what this meant to me, but to me it means to always be willing to put His will above ours. Everything we do as missionaries should be based on our love for God. If we put our mission in God's hands we will be willing to pay the price to strengthen our testimonies of Christ, and to share the message of the Restoration with everyone we see. If we put our mission in God's hands, we will be obedient because we love God. If we put our mission in God's hands, we will give Him everything we have everyday!
Elder Thompson
It's okay to let others help you. It's not the easiest to arrive to the field, have all the enthusiasm of the world wanting to serve, wanting to be independent, and wanting to try your hardest to share the gospel with others and not fully be able to do what you expected because you don't know everything - yet. Let your companion help you, leave the trust issues behind. You've been assigned to serve with a companion who's more or less experienced than you are, and that's okay. You two have the same divine potential in the eyes of God. Most importantly, He put His trust in you. You will have things in common as well as differences, however there will not be any other better qualified person to be with you, because your companionship was inspired of God. You may want to do more, or try to do things your way, but the only way that you will find, teach, and baptize is if you truly try to live what you preach and are a true friend to your companion. Be kind to others and to yourself. Seriously treat others how you think Jesus would treat them. Don't take any second of the mission for granted. There are a lot of people waiting for you to speak up and talk to them about the restored gospel, and your teaching will only have an impact if you teach in unity by the Spirit with your companion. Love those who surround you because that's how you come closer to God. The mission will only be hard if you think it's hard, so keep it positive because it is the best.
John Doe
Sister Allen and Sister Halladay are off to the Netherlands
Sister Allen
Sister Boyack
Elder Brown
Elder Crowe
Elder Ferrin
Sister Gertson
Elder Hahn
Sister Halladay
Elder Kim
Elder Peterson
Sister Randolph
Elder Tan

August Transfer Day

August Arrivals

Our wonderful new missionaries were picked up at the airport and driven to the Mission Home for a delicious dinner, pictures at the Visitors’ Center and a tour of the Visitors’ Center and Temple Grounds.

The next morning after breakfast they had a training meeting and met their new companions.

A Special Visit From Elder and Sister Renlund

Elder Renlund taught us many beautiful things, but there were three things that he said we were to remember:

  1. The Lord wants me to thank you for your dedicated service to the people of Los Angeles as missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  2. President and Sister Egbert’s names were discussed in a meeting with each member of the first presidency and the twelve. We all went around in a circle to express our feelings on whether the Lord trusted them to watch over his missionaries in the California Los Angeles Mission. I was in that meeting and can testify that the Lord does trust them and loves them. They have been called by God to serve.
  3. We have the privilege, right, and duty to discover for ourselves that our assignment to the California Los Angeles Mission was of God.
Chatsworth Zone
Chinese Zone
Downey Zone
Inglewood Zone
Los Angeles English Zone
Los Angeles Spanish Zone
North Hollywood Zone
Palos Verde Zone
San Fernando Zone
Santa Monica Zone
Torrance Zone
Senior Missionaries

July Zone Conferences

Chatsworth Zone
Chinese Zone
Los Angeles English Zone
Los Angeles Spanish Zone
North Hollywood Zone
San Fernando Zone
Inglewood Zone
Downey Zone
North Torrance Zone
Santa Monica Zone
Palos Verde Zone

July Departures

Elder Belliston
Sister Biesinger
Sister Brunner
Elder Christensen
Sister Croxall
Sister Cutshaw
Elder Dan
Elder Hendrickson
Elder Jarrett
Elder Lee
Elder Miner
Elder Owens
Elder Sharp
Elder Shepherd
Sister Shirley
Sister Smith
Sister Starita
Elder Yeomans
Sister Bull
Sister Kapetanov

Words of Wisdom from Departing Missionaries

For those of you who are new to the mission and to those who have been here for some time, what I wish I would have known earlier is that we are not perfect, nor will we be, nor can we become the instruments that God needs us to be on our own. We need Him, and we need the grace of Jesus Christ. Just as a woodcarver puts his instruments into the fire then bangs at and begins to shape them, the Lord is shaping us to make us instruments in His hand, fit to aid in His great work. We too may pass through fiery furnaces and experiences of all kinds, but always remember that in those moments, both the good and the bad, that the Lord is shaping us to be an instrument in His hand. As we allow Him to, He will work a marvelous work among us and His children. So humbly surrender your will to His, even seek out more ways to follow Him and involve Him in everything, and He will do mighty things with you!
Sister Biesinger
I wish I would have known that the joy in the work is only found as we forget about ourselves and focus on serving others. Without a doubt, the most happy times of my mission have been when I have focused more on the needs of others and have forgotten about myself. I will also say in the same breath that the most miserable and drudging days of my mission were when my thoughts were self centered. As was so wisely stated by the father of President Hinckley “Forget yourself and go to work”.
Elder Belliston
If I could go back in time to tell myself one thing I wish I knew as a beginning missionary, I would tell myself a lot of things. I wish I knew more about the importance of companionships. I am the oldest in my family so I didn’t really know what to expect when coming into the mission, I didn’t even know what a trainer was. So that is one piece of advice I would give. Be willing to learn from your companion, the lord will put every single one of your companions in your life for a reason. Love them, serve them, and cherish them. The mission is just a small part of your life, and the companions you get to serve with will bless you in ways you can’t imagine. I love every single one of the companions so much and am so grateful for their examples and the way they helped me grow as a missionary and as a person.
Sister Brunner
One of the biggest traps that I fell into at the beginning of my mission (and still fall into) is the trap of getting caught up in all of the small details. Stressing about those small things like if our friends are going to show up, 30 minutes into sacrament meeting. Or if our friend is going to show up to this members house (or vice versa). If you’ve done your best and done your part of inviting and providing them with the information, then it’s in their hands. They either will show up or not. So don’t stress about it. Things won’t always go the way you plan it to, and that’s okay. Being able to roll with the punches and improvise some things will really help you in your life. Having this eternal perspective allows you to keep feeling the spirit and to be a happier and better missionary. Don’t follow my footsteps and get caught up in all those countless little things in life.
Elder Christensen
Be ready and willing to change! So much change will be happening around and inside of you. Just let it happen! God knows who He needs you to be and how to get you there. Also, as much as I disliked hearing the word in the beginning of my mission, obedience is the key. Not for baptisms or good numbers to report, but for our integrity and character. Obedience is to prepare us for friends, not to summon them. So be obedient for God and yourself. Your mission will be better because of it. And of course, Jacob 6:12. :).
Sister Croxall
You are here to bless. Goals and numbers have their importance, but they will never be as important as those you will teach and come into contact with. Never as important as you and your well-being. It’s so easy sometimes to get down on yourself about your weaknesses but remember that you have something unique to contribute to this work. As you focus on others and help them come unto Jesus Christ, you will undoubtedly change along the way. If your heart is in the right place, you will experience so many beautiful changes. Allow the Savior to change your heart and character so that you can be an example to those you find and teach. Something I’ve come to realize about the Savior is that He became more human as He fulfilled His purpose while here on the earth. There is so much mercy and patience for you. Do the best that you can. As you work with Christ, He will forgive you. Love you. Change you. I can promise you those things because He has done that for me. Thank you for choosing to serve. Our Father in Heaven is proud of you and so very grateful:).
Sister Cutshaw
Throughout my mission I have come to find that the Lord really asks us to do such small things. In the moment it seems tough but as I’ve looked back I’ve realized how simple His requests really are. To help you try and realize it in the moment I invite you to read the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5. Heavenly Father loves you and wants to help you! Let him do so!!!
Elder Dan
The one piece of advice I would give is to never lose focus of your divine identity and the identity of those we serve. We are all literal children of a loving Heavenly Father who wants nothing but the best for us. When we come to understand who we are we come to understand what we can do to serve God and His children. Once we understand who we are we can further our relationship with Jesus Christ and become more committed to His gospel. It’s easy to forget who we are and I’ve realized that I have had the most joy when I remember who I am and the God who loves me.
Elder Hendrickson
Love God. Love your neighbor. Love the people of Los Angeles. Love your companions! And love yourself too.
Elder Jarrett
You are nothing. You yourself can’t and won’t be able to do anything on your own. It may sound harsh, but it’s the truth.The mission is not what you expect it to be, and least of all, the mission is not what you want it to be. Learn to rely on the Lord, trust in the Lord and His plans, not yours. If you come in with expectations and plans on how you want things to be done without asking the Lord, you’re going to fail. You will be disappointed. So be humble. Be submissive. Be teachable. Be willing. Otherwise you’re going to have a very hard time here. I mean you’re going to have a hard time anyway, but you’ll make it harder than it needs to be. Another piece of advice; You were not sent here and to whatever area you will be going to for what you have become. You are sent here for what you CAN become. This goes back to the fact that you are nothing, but with the help and strength of the Lord, He will be able to work through you to perform miracles and blessings. Have fun. Enjoy the mission. Be positive. You've got this. :).
Elder Lee
The sooner you make up your mind to be ok with not being comfortable all the time, the sooner your personal growth and conversion starts. Missions are hard! But exactly what makes them difficult are the same things that allow us to grow - if we let it. Conversion is the consistent application of testimony. It’s very easy to understand why patience is a good thing, but it’s a completely different story when it’s been 8 long weeks and even the way your companion washes the dishes annoys you. Choose to be happy and to let those trials purify and refine yourself. It has made all the difference in my mission and can make all the difference in yours. Turn to God in sincere, heartfelt prayer. Pray like you’ve never prayed before! The Atonement of Jesus Christ is your greatest tool to help you overcome the mountains in your life.
Elder Miner
Remember, remember, why you are out here, and who this is all for. It is for our Savior and Redeemer who is Christ, Jesus, the Son of God. It took me a while to figure out exactly why I was out here on my mission and when I realized that it was to follow the Missionary purpose I came to find more joy than I had in the past. So when everything thing is done in a way that helps not only the work go forward but helps Jesus Christ and God, (Mosiah 2:17) that is when you learn to love the work, to love the people, and to love God. So, who is it all for?
Elder Owens
Strengthen your own relationship with your Father in Heaven. You can serve a full and faithful mission based completely on the testimonies and faith of others. But in order to truly become a disciple of Jesus Christ and exercise faith unto life eternal, it has to be your own. This conversion comes as you seek to keep the same commitments you give to others and love them more than yourself. You will become a more Christlike person and be the cause of many incredible miracles as you grow your faith and trust in the promises of the lord. The second piece of advice is to find why you will stay on a mission. Everyone has at least one reason for being here, but everyone needs at least one reason to stay. Find it, hold onto it, and watch God make a miracle out of you.
Elder Sharp
In the beginning of my mission, I was what you might call a bucket (slang for bad missionary, ask your trainer). My trainer and I didn’t work hardly at all for my first two transfers. It was not my trainer’s fault, he was reassigned and not happy about it, same as me... but I let us do nothing as my trainer wanted. I spent my days in a small apartment, watching Facebook, studying every once in a while, sleeping, rarely seeing my trainer and doing nothing worth-while... I was not happy, miserable in fact. Sure, I had fun, but I was being selfish and lazy, not selfless, and hardworking. I was letting myself be miserable because of it. It wasn’t until my third transfer that I decided I needed to fix this... with my new companion in his second transfer, we worked hard. That was when my faith, charity, knowledge, and overall joy grew immensely. Though I had a late start, that momentarily stunted my growth, I have come to realize that when I am devoted to my Savior and working for Him, that is when I am happy. That is when I feel good about myself. In contrast, when I don’t work or give it my all, or am worried about myself, I am miserable. So my many pieces of advice that I wished I knew beforehand are: 1- Work hard, even if your companion doesn’t want to. You will not be happy if you don’t work hard. “Wear out the knees of your pants before the soles of your shoes.” -Papa Shep (my dad) 2- Study hard. Your personal conversion is the most important thing on this mission and in this life. 3- Study the Atonement of Christ often, and never forget what it means to/for YOU. If you don’t know what it means to you, learn...simple as that. After that, show your friends what Christ’s Atonement means to/for them. 4- Study all of the PMG, especially chapter 5. The Book of Mormon, behind the spirit, is the most important tool in conversion. 5- Delete Facebook unless you’re using it correctly and “finding through it”. Leave your old life behind, it will be there when you get back. Matthew 4 6- Give it all you’ve got. If you don’t, you’ll regret it... I promise. I regret that missionary that I was, you will too if you don’t give it your all... don’t have regrets, they hurt. “Keep punching with both fists... hold nothing back” -the last words I ever heard from my alzheimers ridden Grandpa as I left for my mission....he passed as I was out here. If that’s the last thing he said to me, don’t you think it’s pretty important? 7- That being said, you’re not expected to be perfect, so don’t think you can be in this life. 8- Remember that your family is eternal... 2 years away is nothing compared to eternity together. 9- If you’re reassigned, you are still meant to be here. I never made it to Samoa but I made it to where I was supposed to be. 1O- Trust in God’s timing. Miracles, including baptisms, come in His time not yours. 11- If you follow Christ and serve others, this will be the best two years or 18 months for/of your life, if you don’t... it could be the worst. It’s up to you.
Elder Shepherd
Enjoy every second! Time flies by. It’s such an exciting experience! There is so much to do and so much to learn. So much that God has in store for you. Be prayerful and faithful to be a useful instrument in God’s hands. Don’t worry about being perfect, just relax and do your best! This is a time for joy. You will never have an experience quite like this again, so soak it up and learn all you can.
Sister Shirley
YOU have been selected and prepared to be here in Los Angeles at this very time. The Lord doesn’t make mistakes and He knows you have a great role to play in the lives of your companions, friends, recent converts, and ward members. Don’t treat your sacred calling lightly! We only have the physical tag on for a short time, but the name of the Lord should be forever written on your heart, and your actions should show it! This work is the most important thing that is happening right now, what a privilege we have to be right in the middle of it with the support of the Lord! Don’t let anything distract you from your responsibilities. The Lord recognizes your sacrifices and efforts, and He will bless you for them throughout your life. Give everything to God, because He gave everything, even His Only Begotten Son for you. You only have 18 or 24 very short months to serve in this unique capacity, and a lifetime to think about it.
Sister Smith
The first few months of your mission are the hardest. They just are. You’re in a completely different environment than you’re used to and it’s a lot of adjusting. To a new schedule, new language, new people, a companion that’s with you 24/7, and the expectation of talking with and teaching everyone you possibly can. It’s a lot and there’s going to be some days where you feel exhausted, frustrated with yourself, or even a little discouraged. BUT THAT’S NORMAL, DON’T LOSE HOPE!! If I’ve learned anything on my mission, it is that Heavenly Father knows and loves each of us so individually and intimately. And He has placed you in the exact mission, in the exact area, with the exact companion that you need to grow and succeed the most. Don’t just rely on Christ’s healing and cleansing power that comes from the Atonement. Remember the strength He gives through the enabling power of the Atonement, to do good and to thrash the nation with His spirit. I know that as you rely on the Savior in every aspect of missionary work and everything you do, you will see some of the greatest tender mercies and find more joy in your missionary service that you could ever possibly imagined. Never second guess your ablity to be an effective instrument in His hands. If you do all you can to be seek the spirit, work hard, be humble, and obedient, you can’t go wrong. God loves you. He needs you. And has blessed you with specific gifts and talents that will allow you bless the lives and touch the hearts of those that can only be touched by you.
Sister Starita
There are a plethora of things I wish I would have known when starting my mission. One that really seems to encapsulate it all is this; Always desire to humbly improve. A mission is full of growth and change, that’s just a part of its nature. Our understanding of everything changes as we learn and grow in the service of the Lord. What can help us the most is to humbly recognize the need for improvement and then seeking to do so. Sometimes our pride is a difficult pill to swallow. We might not understand why a rule is in place or maybe we think we have all the answers. Our own pride and stubbornness might make it hard to push past those stumbling blocks in our path to improvement. I wish I knew to ask myself, the Lord, and others, “What lack I yet?” earlier on in my mission. As we honestly answer that question, we can make everyday an opportunity to be a more adept tool in the hands of the Master. His Atonement, that supreme gift, can enable us to reach higher and continuously press towards the mark. If we allow it, that enabling and redeeming power can shape us to be the missionaries and children that He wants us to be.
Elder Yeomans
Do everything you can so that you can feel the spirit guiding you, let Christlike love motivate you as you serve, find things to be grateful for each day, and give this great work your heartfelt all. You will see miracles, you will be happier, you will have no regrets, you will know that you are doing God’s will, and you will be a more focused and dedicated missionary. Remember that this is the Lord’s work! Be humble and act on the promptings you receive. I have no doubt that the Lord will guide His missionaries in every aspect of this work. Trust Him to bring about good into your life and the lives of your friends as you put in your best efforts to invite all to come unto Christ!
Sister Bull
One of the most important things I learned from my mission is that we are not meant to be perfect. The mission often makes you feel like you have to be perfect and if you aren’t then you failed. I now know that perfection is unattainable and we will never reach it in this life or on a mission. The Savior is the only one who is perfect and if we do everything with Him then that is enough. He will take our weaknesses and make us better each day. Always remember it is not just OK not to be perfect, it is an impossible expectation.
Sister Kapetanov
The gospel works from the inside out. You are given strength through Jesus Christ to change your circumstances, your circumstances are not changed for you. Be a hundred percent responsible. If someone or something else is at fault and needs to change before further progress is made, then you are at their mercy and they are in control over the positive outcomes or desired results in your life. Also, go tracting. Literally, go tracting. I’m serious.
Elder Lincoln

July Transfers

July Arrivals

Sister Parrish
Elder Thurston
Elder Peterson
Elder Kofe
Elder Olsen
Sister Anderson
Elder Dean
Elder Carrizales Garcia
Sister Halladay, Sister Anderson, and Sister Allen

After getting settled into their apartments, the missionaries had dinner at the mission home and then were off to the Temple Visitor’s Center for pictures with the Mission President and his wife and a tour of the Visitor’s Center. 

Sister Allen
Sister Anderson
Elder Carrizales Garcia
Elder Dean
Sister Halladay
Elder Kofe
Elder Olsen
Sister Parrish
Elder Peterson
Elder Thurston
Elder Nupulusu
Assistants to the President

After breakfast at the mission home, they were off to the chapel for a new missionary training meeting.

After the training meeting, our new arrivals met their first missionary companions.

Mission Tour with Elder and Sister Pingree

We had the amazing opportunity to spend several days with Elder and Sister Pingree for our Mission Tour. Elder Pingree was a wonderful teacher and truly inspired our missionaries to greater heights. We were so blessed to have them come to our Mission.

Wednesday, June 15 – Half of the mission met at the chapel and the other half observed via Zoom. Elder Pingree taught our missionaries to explain to their friends right at the beginning what their purpose is – to bring them closer to Christ through faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. President Egbert asked Elder Pingree to give the missionaries some time to practice this new approach with each other. Elder Pingree then taught the importance of listening to the Spirit in their missionary work.

Thursday, June 16 – Elder Pingree had the missionaries share their experiences with their new approach, explaining their purpose. Many missionaries shared success stories of what a difference this new approach made with their friends. The missionaries were then asked to share experiences they had in their planning with the Spirit. It was wonderful to see how many missionaries followed through with Elder Pingree’s challenge. They were inspired with his teachings and immediately put them into practice. Elder Pingree also spoke about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the blessings received from the Atonement.

After each conference session, Elder and Sister Pingree and President and Sister Egbert greeted each missionary and shared their love with them.

President and Sister Egbert, Elder and Sister Pingree, Elder Clark, and Elder Williams

A wonderful lunch was prepared each day for all to enjoy.

Mission Leadership Conference

Friday, June 17 – MLC was conducted by Elder Pingree

MLC Luncheon

Mission Temple Day

May Departures

Sister Saucedo Martinez
Sister Roberts
Sister Cluff
Sister Kaufusi
Sister Siete
Sister Chan
Elder and Sister Hambley
Elder and Sister Butterfield

Words of Wisdom from Departing Missionaries

Worry about your own conversion at the end of the day. Don't ever compare yourself, your own talents, your own abilities, your own testimony, or your own experiences with others. It will only take away your joy. It will really defeat you as you try to boost your self-confidence that you need as a missionary. Once you know that you are walking by the side of the Lord, then you should have all the confidence in the world to know that your message will bring so much happiness and truth to the lives of others. Don't compare yourself to others. Know that Christ is by your side through every moment; when you are tracting, finding through social media, and when you're having those worst days when no one wants to talk to you. Know that the Lord is very, very pleased with your efforts, even when you are discouraged. He notices your highs and your lows, and through it all, you'll get through it and become a better person at the end of the day.
Sister Siete
The gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be explained; it has to be experienced. I tell this to a lot of missionaries. No one that I teach is ever converted based on the things I say, but because they act upon the invitations that I extend to them. They have to experience it for themselves and find out for themselves if these things are true. When they keep their commitments and start praying, reading the Book of Mormon, attending church, keeping the commandments, and have spiritual experiences, they become converted to Jesus Christ. They don't become converted to Christ because they listen to me talk about Christ and teach the lessons. They become converted because they experience it. This is why the missionary purpose is to INVITE others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel of Jesus Christ through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. It doesn't say to share messages about Christ or to help people come to Christ, even though those things are definitely part of our role as missionaries. It says invite others to come unto Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be explained; it has to be experienced.
Sister Chan
Choose joy. Choose to love everyone. Choose to understand. Choose to try. Choose to trust God in all things and in all places. Choose to trust God in all things and in all places.
Sister Saucedo Martinez
Keep the focus all on Jesus Christ. He is at the head of this work. Miracles can only come if we submit our will to His. As we turn to Christ, we can receive the needed strength to keep going on the difficult days that we all have. He will guide us in all things. The more we trust in Him, the more joy we can find in doing his work!
Sister Roberts
Open your mouth no matter where you are and no matter who you're with. You are called as a representative of Jesus Christ to help others come unto Him. That can be done in many ways, but especially as missionaries, we've been called to do so through teaching faith and repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. As long as we are striving for that and trying to do His will in every moment of our day and every preparation that we make, we will be able to bless the lives of others with that action of faith to speak up and to say what the Lord would have us say. That really brings about miracles.
Sister Cluff
My favorite quote since being on my mission has been, "I didn't do anything. I just work here." It's my favorite quote because it helped me realize that we really don't do anything as missionaries. The Lord puts us in places and lets us meet people that he wants us to meet to fulfill our purpose. The more you let the Lord guide you in His work, the more blessings you'll receive as you let Him take over the work and humble yourself to do it. As long as you let the Lord know that you love Him and you're willing to do what He wants you to do, blessings will come. I can truly testify of that.
Sister Kaufusi
Something I wish someone would have told me at the beginning of my mission is that you get to choose to love being a missionary. Every day you get to wake up and choose to either love or hate what you're doing, so choose to love it! Before you know it, one day you'll wake up and realize that you don't have to choose anymore, it's just who you are. You'll become the missionary who loves their Lord and loves the work, and you'll never want it to end.
Sister Beeman
Keep the focus all on Jesus Christ. He is at the head of this work. Miracles can only come if we submit our will to His. As we turn to Christ we can receive the needed strength to keep going on the difficult days that we all have. He will guide us in all things. The more we trust in Him, the more joy we can find in doing His work!
Sister Roberts
Looking back on our six-month Member Leader Support Mission, there are so many things that we have learned. It's so important to reach out to everyone with your support, smiles, love, time, and conversation. All our members, friends, and anyone we come in contact with need to know they are loved and appreciated. They need to know they are a special son or daughter of our loving Heavenly Father. Every contact with anyone, even if only for a few minutes, is vitally important. One might not yet be willing or ready for your redeeming message, but they will remember you, the Spirit they felt, and your missionary name tags. The Lord will send other missionaries their way. They will see their missionary name tags, remember you, and be better prepared to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. Another thing we have learned on our mission is that those we serve and serve with, and also those we pray for and pray with are the ones that we develop greater love for. Don't ever underestimate the value of your service and prayers for others. Serve everyone and be very specific in how you pray for others and what you ask your Heavenly Father for. If you ever feel down or discouraged, simply focus one hundred percent on why you are here. You are to gather Israel in preparation of the Lord's return to earth. There is no better place you should be right now. Your missionary experiences will prepare you for the great and marvelous things coming when you return home. We love you all and will miss the great excitement of full-time missionary work.
Elder and Sister Butterfield

The Hamblys prepared a beautiful dinner of Tri-tip, grilled chicken, Caesar salad, baked potatoes, and brownies with Sister Egbert’s homemade ice cream. The Hamblys mission is coming to a close and they will be missed! They do so much for the mission.

May Transfers

May Arrivals

Welcome to the California Los Angeles Mission!

From the airport we went straight to the mission home for an amazing dinner of Chicken Alfredo, Salad, Cheese Breadsticks, and Texas Sheet Cake with Homemade Ice Cream. The mission nurse gave some medical instructions and then we went to the Temple Visitor’s Center for pictures and a tour.

The next morning we met at the chapel for our first missionary training. After the training we met our companions and began our missionary adventure.

April Zone Conferences

Chatsworth Zone
Chinese Zone
Downey Zone
Inglewood Zone
Los Angeles English Zone
Los Angeles Spanish Zone
North Hollywood Zone
Palos Verdes Zone
San Fernando Zone
Santa Monica Zone
Torrance Zone
Senior Missionaries
Senior Missionaries

April Departures

Words of Wisdom from Departing Missionaries

Be all in and give your whole self to the Lord. The joy you will find as a missionary will be so much greater if you give everything you have to Him each day. You cannot do this work without Him. He will make so much more of you than you could ever imagine making of yourself. Let Him change your heart, your desires, everything about you for the better. The beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can continue to grow, progress, and become more like Christ each and every day through repentance. Think about who you want to be by the end of your mission and do everything you can with the Lord’s help to become that person.
Sister Tormey
Trust in the Lord. That is the best way to do this work. The only way, really. That is a highlight of the things I’ve learned here because nothing goes according to your plans. You try, but your plans don’t usually work out. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to plan. You still make your plans, but the Lord has a bigger plan for you, and He knows that you can do it with Him. There might be days that you want to go home, or you may be struggling, but I do know that you can get through it with Him. If you are willing to turn to Him, He will strengthen you and He will make everything possible that He has prepared for you.
Sister Barth
Love God and love your neighbor. If you focus your mission on doing everything in your power to live these two great commandments then you will be a successful missionary. Be obedient and work diligently every day because you love our Heavenly Father and our Savior. They know you and appreciate your efforts to do good. Study intentionally, with the Spirit and strive to teach with power and the Spirit because you love others and want them to live happier lives now and in eternity. Remember that Heavenly Father uses us to show his love to his children- so be humble and be a tool that is easy to work with!
Sister Wynn
The best cure for worries, doubts, or concerns is honest hard work. I learned during my mission that there is nothing better than hitting the pillow at night, knowing that you’ve put in a day of hard work, especially if it was in the service of the Lord.
Elder Towne
If you want to know how to be a missionary, the secret is that no one will ever know exactly what to do - - it doesn’t matter if you have two days or two years. There is only one person who actually knows what they are doing and that’s God. The sooner one can get rid of their pride and give themselves fully over to God, the more joy and success one will find in their mission. It is His work and glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Listen to the Spirit. It’s pointless to work without the Spirit. Thanks for helping Him and being a dedicated disciple of Christ.
Sister Pixton
Let Christ help you! This is His work and His glory. Do everything in your power to let Christ and the Spirit guide you. You can't do this work with your own talents or abilities. If you choose to do it by yourself, these might be some of the worst months of your life. Our loving Heavenly Father has created tailored experiences for each of his missionaries. Don't get discouraged, and if you do, get back up and keep working. We're here to help others and ourselves become more converted disciples of Jesus Christ. We must trust in the Lord and let Him change us and mold us into the person God knows we can become. Study from the Book of Mormon and Preach my Gospel every day, I promise that you will be able to testify with power and authority as you do this. You are a set apart disciple of Jesus Christ. Show it through your actions, thoughts and words and you'll find even more happiness in His work.
Sister Medina
The only advice I can give to any missionary is to decide now which way you face. You can decide to either give yourself to the Lord now and be his willing servant, or you can decide to keep one foot in and one foot out of the mission. Be the missionary that’s all in. Decide today to do the will of the Lord in everything you do. Be obedient. Be urgent. Be willing to seek correction and to become better. There is nothing that matters more on your mission than your sign you show the Lord for these two years/eighteen months. As long as you do His will, you will be blessed beyond measure.
Elder McAlister
To me, the key to being a successful missionary is developing Christlike attributes and just doing good. As we work to develop the attributes of Christ we will slowly change to be more like Him. Thus, we will see others with Christlike love! We will want to use each minute diligently, and be more obedient to please our Heavenly Father, just as Christ showed us. Sometimes it feels like we aren’t making a single difference, but as we take a minute to express sincere gratitude to our Heavenly Father we will be strengthened and shown the way. Just do it. “Do good and be good!” (Elder Bednar) And the Lord will use you as an instrument in His hands!
Sister Keller
Remember that God loves His missionaries! Sometimes as missionaries we feel like we have to be perfect or we have to do everything the way the Savior would. While that would be great, that is not God’s expectation. All He asks is that we love Him and that we try our best, learn from our mistakes, and change! Don’t buy into feelings of inadequacy. God loves you and is so grateful for even the small efforts you make. His love is unconditional, no matter our performance as missionaries.
Sister Jones
I’d say one of the greatest things I’ve learned on my mission is that IT’S NOT ABOUT ME. That applies to everything. That means that if you are a missionary reading this, YOUR MISSION IS NOT ABOUT YOU. If you make it about you, you will never be happy. Companions will always be hard, and the days will drag by. If you make it about Christ, then everything will suddenly become worthwhile and you will start to understand what joy really means.
Sister Emmett

An amazing dinner of tri-tip steak, chicken, baked potatoes, Caesar salad, and bread was topped off with brownies and homemade ice-cream. The Hambleys love feeding the missionaries and their food is out of this world. Sister Egbert is famous in the mission for her homemade ice cream!

April Transfer Day

April Arrivals

After a good night’s sleep and breakfast at the mission home, our new Elders and Sisters are off to their first training at the chapel next door.

After the training, they meet their new companions/trainers.

March Zone Conferences

Chatsworth Zone
Chinese Zone
Downey Zone
Inglewood Zone
LA English Zone
LA Spanish Zone
North Hollywood Zone
Palos Verde Zone
San Fernando Zone
Santa Monica Zone
Torrence Zone

March Departing Missionaries

The departing missionaries met at the mission home for a delicious dinner of tri-tip steak and chicken cooked by our mission chef, Elder Hambley. Included in the meal were baked potatoes, salad, bread, and for dessert, brownies, homemade ice cream, and hot fudge. Missionaries shared words of wisdom they have learned on their mission for future missionaries entering the field. Then, they each shared a spiritual story from their mission. After dinner, they went to the temple to do baptisms for the dead with President and Sister Egbert. These powerful missionaries will be missed by all of us.

My mission has been a big rollercoaster of emotions and experiences that have been very difficult, but also very rewarding! I think that if I had to choose one thing that got me through the tough times and led me to the good times, it was my missionary purpose. All missionaries have to keep striving continually to achieve their purpose and glorify the Lord if they want to become a successful missionary. The mission does not change a missionary, it is what the missionary does on the mission that changes him or her. These are the best two years of your life! Treasure them!
Elder Bird
One of the most important things I have learned on my mission is the power of repentance and change. I didn't fully understand how to apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ to myself before the mission, but now I have learned that it is actually having the ability to change and become better. Allow the Lord to shape and change you. We come into the field wanting to be different. We aren't the same people we were before. That change comes through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Give everything you have to the Lord and be humble. He is the one who will help you grow into the person that He wants you to be. We each have divine potential as children of God, so trust that He will help you become like Him. The power to change and be like Jesus Christ comes through His Atonement.
Sister Christensen
Be all in and give your whole self to the Lord. The joy you will find as a missionary will be so much greater if you give everything you have to Him each day. You cannot do this work without Him. He will make so much more of you that you could ever imagine making of yourself. Let Him change your heart, your desires, everything about you for the better. The beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can continue to grow, progress, and become more like Christ each and every day through repentance. Think about who you want to be by the end of your mission and do everything you can with the Lord's help to become that person.
Sister Howell
Be humble. Let your guard down and allow the Savior to be at the center of everything. Put your full trust in Him rather than in yourself. This is His work, and it's a wonderful opportunity to be able to be an instrument in His hands! Give your whole soul to Him. At the beginning of my mission, it was especially hard for me to live in the present and focus my thoughts on missionary work. As I strived to stay focused and give everything to my Savior, I was able to find so much more joy and happiness. Enjoy every moment! Being a missionary is the best thing ever. You won't get any of these moments back. Enjoy the journey and the experiences that you have. They will change your life forever!
Sister Johnson
Missions are very short, but it truly has been the greatest eighteen months of my life! Missions are the hardest but also the happiest times. They are full of tears but also laughter. They are full of long days but also tender mercies and miracles.The advice I have for other missionaries are some of the most important principles I have come away with - learn how to receive revelation, use time to its fullest (you only have so many days gifted to you to serve a mission), use Preach My Gospel (it's the greatest tool to become who the Lord sees in you), strive for exact obedience (it brings about miracles), spend time in the scriptures (they will become your greatest friend and God's words written for you), be confident in who you are, talk to everyone (there are so many miracles that come from being bold), find joy in the little things, and know there is growth being outside of your comfort zone.
Sister Larsen
One of the most important things in missionary work is having the Spirit with us. In order to do that, we need to be worthy and obedient. If we have the Spirit with us, we can achieve all that our Heavenly Father wants us to do. We will feel joy and be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. He will help us to know how to do His work in His way.
Elder Silva
Trust the Lord and His timing! I feel like it's so easy to say, but sometimes difficult to do. I know that the Lord's plan is always going to be greater than ours. He knows what's best for each one of His children. We just have to act in faith and move forward. We need to listen to those spiritual promptings and act right away. He will never lead us astray.
Sister Zang
I have learned a lot about humility on my mission. No one is perfectly humble, and we all have a lot of pride. I have learned how to accept correction and to be willing to do whatever the Lord has asked me to. I was a reassigned missionary, and it was hard to accept that I would never be able to go to Brazil, my assigned mission, but it has been such a blessing to serve in Los Angeles.
Sister Harman

March Transfer Day

February Arrivals

The missionaries arrived a half hour early to the airport. It took them one and a half  hours to travel from Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Due to a tragic accident on the freeway, it took forty-five minutes to an hour to travel seven miles on the freeway from the Mission Home to the airport. The missionaries were tired, but eager to start their service to the Lord in Los Angeles.

                           Each missionary received a warm welcome from President and Sister Egbert.

The missionaries loaded their suitcases into the mission van and truck and then piled in for the long ride back to the mission home for lasagna, garlic bread, salad, Texas sheet cake, and homemade ice cream, made with love by Sister Egbert. After dinner there was a trip to the Visitor’s Center, a talk and interview with the mission nurses, pictures with the Mission President and his wife, bio interviews for the mission newsletter, and a tour of the Visitor’s Center and Temple grounds.

After a good night’s sleep, the missionaries attended their first training meeting in the church building connected to the temple grounds.

At the conclusion of the training meeting, the new missionaries were introduced to their companions, packed up their cars, and set off to start their missionary endeavers in their respective district areas.

January Zone Conferences

Inglewood Zone
Palos Verde Zone
Downey Zone
Santa Monica Zone
Torrence North Zone
Chatsworth Zone
Chinese Zone
Los Angeles Spanish
North Hollywood Zone
San Fernando Zone
Los Angeles English Zone

COVID Boosters at Zone Conference

January Transfer Day

Missionaries waiting for their new companions

Not knowing when the new missionaries would be meeting their companions after their training meeting, we caught the last missionaries just getting ready to leave to go to work. Sister McArthur, with her companions and Zone Leaders is representative of all the new missionaries meeting their companions for the first time. Joy and excitement lit up their faces.

January Arrivals

Welcome to the California Los Angeles Mission!

Off to the Mission Home

After a short rest in their apartments, the missionaries had their first orientation training by President and Sister Egbert.

With the rise in COVID cases in Los Angeles, precautions were taken and dinner was served in the garage of the mission home with the garage doors open so masks could be taken off and dinner enjoyed. Bailey, the mission home assistant, and her husband, Grant, made a Mexican feast including chicken enchiladas, beef enchiladas, rice and beans, topped off with Texas sheet cake and homemade ice cream. The missionaries were told to eat up, because after tonight they would be cooking their own food!

After dinner the missionaries walked over to the Temple Visitor’s Center for an overview of medical expectations from two of the mission nurses, a tour of the Temple, a tour of the Visitor’s Center, and an individual interview with a mission nurse, and an interview for their biographical sketch for the mission newsletter.

January Departures

I have learned the importance of being consistent. A lot of aspects of missionary work require persistence and constancy. It is important to be consistent when we are trying to improve ourselves as well.
Elder Hills

Christmas Dinner at the Visitor's Center

When President and Sister Egbert inquired which missionaries did not have an invitation for Christmas dinner in members’ homes, the senior missionaries were excited to step in and plan a Christmas dinner for them. The tables were laden with ham, potato casserole, vegetables, salads, and desserts. Elder Peterson also offered to help, making his mom’s sweet potatoes and cherry jello. Elder Orman shared some special Christmas videos which reminded us of the importance of serving one another.

December Zone Conferences

Downey Zone
Santa Monica Zone
Torrence North Zone
Inglewood Zone
Palos Verde Zone
San Fernando Zone
Los Angeles Spanish Zone
Los Angeles English Zone
Chinese Zone
North Hollywood Zone
Chatsworth Zone

Merry Christmas from the CLAM!

The California Los Angeles Temple Visitor’s Center was beautifully decorated with over twenty Christmas trees. The Visitor’s Center has hosted several Christmas programs for the community, including the California Los Angeles Missionary Christmas Program, narrated one evening in Spanish, and one evening in English. Below are some excerpts of their exceptional talent and devotion to our Savior, Jesus Christ during this special time of year.

Christmas Program

By the California Los Angeles Missionaries

Pianist r
F Quartet P
Christmas Program rc
Duet ed Rp
String ed R
Octet ed
Double Quartet ed RCp
Soloist ed R
Male Quartet 1 ed R
Trio & Flute Rp

“That blessed night more than two millennia ago was a night made holy by the birth of One who was forordained to bring peace to this earth and to inspire good will among men. Jesus Christ was born to bless all humankind, past, present, and future.”  

President Russell M. Nelson

December 2021

Missionary Arrivals

Sister Albancando Robles
Elder Boden
Elder Burdett
Elder Caldwell
Sister Campbell
Sister Elizarraraz Martinez
Elder Jensen
Elder Kinikini
Elder Montoya Bernal
Elder Murrietta Flores
Sister Pagaza
Elder Padilla
Elder Richards
Elder Robledo
Elder Sabey
Elder Sandberg
Elder Smith
Elder Stanclift
Sister Wenger
Elder West
Sister McIff
Elder Palmer
Arrival Dinner and Instructions from the Mission Nurses

Off to their first assignment in the California Los Angeles Mission!

Missionary Departures

I have learned that it is OK to make mistakes and recognize that we are not perfect. Our Savior, Jesus Christ knows that we will make mistakes, and He will be there to help us.
Elder Adolpho
In Romans 8:28 it says, "And ye know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." I came across this scripture at the end of my mission and feel like it sums up perfectly missionary work and life in general. Throughout the mission we go through a lot of ups and downs, and things don't go according to plan or how we envision them to be. As we love God and commit to doing His work, everything that happens will be for our good.
Sister Carr
I learned that through the gospel we can have joy in every circumstance of our lives. Often we will have times that we may be discouraged, but it is actually just a sign that the Lord is changing our heart. When we change our heart we are able to become more deeply committed disciples of Jesus Christ. If you number the letters of the word attitude, it adds up to a hundred and our attitudes are 100% our choice. Choose to be happy and allow Jesus Christ to be the author of your story.
Elder Firth
If I had any advice to give to new missionaries, I would tell them to take every opportunity they can to study and grow their testimony. Read the scriptures every spare chance you have. Hunger and thirst after knowledge and seek to find it in the scriptures and words of the prophets. It's a wonderful way to improve your testimony and your ability to bear that testimony to others!
Elder Hearn
I am a very social person and it is easy for me to talk with people, but talking about the gospel is more difficult for me. I have found that I can blend things that happen naturally in life with gospel principles so it is easier to teach about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have also learned to have confidence to follow the promptings of the Spirit.
Sister Hulet
For me, it would have been much better if I had been more familiar with Preach My Gospel. Preach My Gospel has helped me more times than I can count on my mission. The earlier lessons I taught at the beginning of my mission would have gone much smoother. Another thing that would have been helpful is to know where to find the commonly used scripture verses we use in lessons frequently. Memorize where they are so that you can just turn to that page instead of looking the scriptures up each time.
Elder Tolentino
One of the hardest things about being a missionary is knowing whether you have done enough and have been a successful missionary. I learned that the best guiding question is, "What sign am I showing the Lord?"
Sister Westover

November 2021

sunset, nature, field-3679737.jpg

Zone Conferences

Los Angeles English Zone
Chatsworth Zone
Chinese Zone
Los Angeles Spanish Zone
North Hollywood Zone
San Fernando Zone
Palos Verdes Zone
Torrance North Zone
Inglewood Zone
Downey Zone
Santa Monica Zone