Four Ways Missionaries Can Love Others

By Elder Quentin L. Cook -Mission Leadership Seminar – June 24, 2018

Missionaries should embrace the “four loves of missionary work” by:

  1. Loving their companions.
  2. Loving the people where they are called to serve.
  3. Loving their Mission President and his companion.
  4. Most importantly, loving the Lord Jesus Christ.

Love Your Companions

Love the People

Love the Mission President and his Companion

Love the Lord

It is essential as an emissary of the Savior to “be one” in unity and harmony.

The challenge is to love those [who] don’t have the same interests and are different in many ways from yourself.

You will learn from each companion who is assigned by inspiration to labor with you.

You will have a deep and abiding love for the people you are called to serve. It will last your entire life. It will be so great that it will inspire you even in educational, language, and occupational choices.

Be determined to love the people. They are our brothers and sisters and beloved children of our Father in Heaven.

Elder Cook said it is important for missionaries to know that President Russell M. Nelson called them to serve as a missionary. He delegated a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to assign them to a mission.

We often have the impression that we are assigning missionaries to a mission president and his companion. We have the sense that these mission leaders will bless you during your mission.

The most important love for missionaries is to love the Lord.

Our commitment and consecration is to serve Him with all our ‘heart, might, mind and strength’ (D&C 4:2).

We show our love for the Savior when we magnify our callings, and labor diligently to magnify your mission callings. As you do so, your personal conversion will deepen.